National Workplace Wellbeing Day 31st March 2017


Ireland's third National Workplace Wellbeing Day takes place on March 31st 2017. Large and small companies across the country will take part, with the objective of improving employee health through promoting better nutrition and physical activity. 

As part of our campaign to support employers provide for the health & wellness needs of their employees, we have created a series of blogs, videos and other resources which we hope will help empower you to make positive change in your workplace today.

Looking after you always.....


The case for Health & Wellness in your organisation

2016 saw a big leap forward with businesses thinking about how they may create a culture of health & wellness for their employees. We expect that in the years ahead, companies will look at programmes and means of delivery which will take the health of their employees to the next level.

This growth can be attributed to many factors, but principally, they have been shown to help control health care costs as well as improving employee productivity and satisfaction. More and more employers are also finding, that wellness programmes boost retention, engagement and that their employees increasingly see these as a key component in an overall benefits package.

In the US, 70 percent of employers now offer some kind of employee wellness program, up from 58 percent in 2008. Here in Ireland, 7 in 10 employees have stated that they are more likely to see their long term future with employers who are interested in their wellbeing. 1 in 2 employees would consider leaving employers who don’t support wellbeing.

We are seeing a trend towards companies making increased efforts in creating and maintaining a wellness culture in their organisation, as opposed to simply hosting once off, seemingly unconnected events. Demonstrating a culture of wellness takes concerted time and effort, but results suggest that organizations are beginning to prioritize this initiative, 38% of whom are actively working towards improving the culture of health in their workplace. 

So this National Workplace Wellbeing Day, make it a priority for your business to encourage sustainable lifestyle changes that promote positive health and wellness at work.

Please contact or locall 1890 907 076 to talk to our expert Health & Wellness team and find out more about how our service could work for you and your organisation.