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Mental Health Ambassadors

With 1 in 4 people experiencing a significant mental health issue over the course of their lifetime, having a hard time is
not unusual or shameful. It is not a sign of weakness and is not something to be hidden away from others. Here at Pramerica, we want to break the silence around mental health issues. We want to create a place where employees feel encouraged to speak up when they are struggling, and feel supported to seek the help they need when things get too much.

To do this, we need your help.

We are looking for employees, from all levels of the company, who have experienced mental health issues, either personally or through a loved one, to come forward to share their stories and become Pramerica’s Mental Health Ambassadors.

What does being a Mental Health Ambassador involve?

  • Completion of a brief questionnaire.
  • A short interview with one of our psychologists.
  • Working with our team to create a video or other media content that captures your story.
  • Sharing your story across the organisation through videos, blog articles, webinars or talks.
  • Ongoing support from our psychology team if desired.

For more information on the programme, download our FAQs below.

Registration has now closed

Further information on the the Pramerica Mental Health Ambassadors will follow shortly. 

* Pramerica Mental Health Ambassadors have the right to withdraw form the programme at any time.