Replay: How to Keep Your Mind Sharp, Positive, and Active
From your 20’s brain function starts to decline, but you can fight back. Everyone has the occasional ‘blank brain moment’. Maybe you’ve gone into the kitchen and can’t remember why, or can’t recall the name of that actor during conversation. Memory lapses can occur at any age but ageing alone is generally not a cause of cognitive decline. We expect and accept that our joints and organs may slowly decline as we age, but the thought of our minds doing the same is intolerable. Memory changes can be frustrating, but the good news is that there are various strategies we can use to protect and sharpen our minds.
We’ll introduce you to some of these strategies during this seminar.
Please note this is a pre-recorded event from the 8 week Wellbeing Live Programme
Q&A is not active during this session.
Presented by: Breda Dooly
Date: 11/12/20
Time: 13:00pm