Physcial Tests
Body Mass Index: This is a calculation that interprets body weight for individual differences in stature (weight in kg ÷ height in m2). BMI is recognised as a valid assessment tool in identifying obesity.
Waist Circumference: This assesses the amount of fat in the abdominal region. An increase in waist circumference can be associated with the development of diabetes, cholesterol disorders, high blood pressure and heart disease.
Blood Pressure: This is a measure of the pressure of the blood against the blood vessel walls. High blood pressure increases ones risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and risk of rupturing blood vessels.
Electrocardiogram (ECG): An ECG records the electrical activity of your heart and can help pick up underlying heart conditions. This test takes 5 -10 minutes and is painless. All ECG’s are reviewed by our Consultant Cardiologist.
Keystone Eye Test: Keystone View Vision Screeners test for all of the essential visionary functions including acuity (monocular and binocular), colour blindness, peripheral vision, and glare recovery.
Pulmonary Function Test (Spirometry): This is a test to evaluate the functioning capacity of then lungs. It measures how much air the lungs can hold, the length of time it takes for air movement in and out of the lungs, and how well the lungs add oxygen to the blood and remove carbon dioxide from the blood.
Blood Tests:
Renal Profile: Urea and creatinine are waste products excreted from the body by the kidneys. Elevated levels may indicate that the kidneys are functioning sub-optimally but other factors such as hydration, muscle mass and diet can affect the results.
Liver Profile: This range of tests assesses the functions of the liver. In many cases abnormal levels are due to transient illnesses, medications and/or alcohol consumption. If abnormal levels persist further testing can be done to identify possible causes
Full Lipid Profile: Lipids are fats that are present in the bloodstream. They can be ingested in the diet and are also manufactured by the liver. Fasting lipid profiles are checked to assess Cardiovascular Risk (risk of heart attack, stroke etc.). Total Cholesterol, LDL and Triglycerides are considered harmful fats and levels should be kept below target values
Diabetes: This test determines if your blood glucose level is within a normal range. Blood glucose levels can be used to test for Diabetes Mellitus and pre-diabetes. In most cases 2 separate blood samples with elevated glucose levels (or a single elevated blood glucose in addition to an elevated HbA1c) are required to make a diagnosis of diabetes or pre-diabetes. Blood glucose levels may also be elevated due to medications or secondary to other medical conditions and further tests may be necessary.
Full Blood Count (FBC): The Full Blood Count is one of the most common tests performed in laboratory medicine as it allows for an assessment of the quantity and quality of Red Cells, White Cells and Platelets, vital blood components which are made in the bone marrow.
Thyroid: Thyroid function tests are blood tests which help to check the function of the thyroid gland. They are mainly used to detect hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).
Uric Acid: Elevated levels of uric acid are a risk factor for gout but may be increased for a number of other reasons. Gout is a condition characterised by deposition of uric acid crystals in joints and bodily tissues
Bone Health (Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphate): This test can be used to check for abnormal levels of calcium or phosphate which can be a sign of underlying health issues. If you have high or low levels, your doctor may need to investigate further as this can affect your bone composition. ALP levels can be used to assess liver function and skeletal function. Elevated ALP may be seen in many situations and subsequent tests would be dependent on your medical history.
Vitamin D: Vitamin D (sunshine vitamin) is essential for bone and general health. This test will screen for Vitamin D deficiency which may increase your risk of osteoporosis, and possibly certain other conditions.
Colorectal Cancer Screening: Faecal Occult Blood: The faecal occult blood test (FOB test) detects small amounts of blood in your faeces which you would not normally see or be aware of. There are several disorders which may cause bleeding into the gut (intestines). For example: ulcers, colitis, polyps, and colorectal (bowel) cancer. If these bleed heavily then your faeces would be obviously 'bloody' or a very black colour. However, sometimes these disorders only bleed with a trickle of blood. If you only have a small amount of blood in your faeces then the faeces look normal. However, the FOB test will detect the blood.
Blood Group: This test will determine your blood type in the event a blood transfusion is ever required.
Total PSA: Through a simple blood test we will screen asymptomatic and symptomatic men for prostate cancer, to help determine the necessity for a biopsy of the prostate. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by the cells of the prostate gland. PSA is present in small quantities in the serum of men with healthy prostates, but is often elevated in the presence of prostate cancer and in other prostate disorders.
Enhanced Cardiac Risk (Lipaprotein A): This test gives additional information about your risk of developing heart disease. High Lp(a) in blood is a risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD), cerebrovascular disease (CVD), atherosclerosis, thrombosis, and stroke.
Coeliac Disease: We will screen you for Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies which are found in patients with several conditions, including coeliac disease and also inflammatory bowel disease, and various forms of arthritis.
Iron Status: This test will detect the levels of Iron in the blood.
STI Testing: Laya Healthcare can provide a range of STI tests. You can get tested for many of the most common STDs including: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes, Trichomonas, Mycoplasma, and Ureaplasma. If you would like to confidentially arrange an STI test please do not hesitate to talk to one of our nurses or another member of our team.
To determine your current health status and identify any lifestyle factors likely to place your health at risk.
Full Health Report:
We will issue each participant with a detailed patient friendly report. By using plain English and simple icons, these reports transform complex lab data into a personalised analysis that spells out a person’s wellbeing. It also includes recommendations, action plans and advice
Doctor Follow Up Consultation:
To explain the results of your Health screen, answer any questions or concerns you may have and advise you of any steps you should take to remain healthy.