Below Manager Mental Health Workshop
Our Below Manager Mental Health Workshop educates, informs and empowers your team around all aspects of general mental health.
Topics in this workshop will include:
An introduction to mental health and wellbeing
Common mental health issues and their signs and symptoms
Taking stock of your own mental health and ways to protect and improve it
How to start a conversation about mental health
How to appropriately support someone in distress or crisis
Support services available, how to access them or direct others towards them
Through our mental health workshops, you can effect change in your organisation by addressing the lack of knowledge that creates and perpetuates stigma associated with mental illness. Our workshops will give you and your team members a clear understanding of mental health, how to identify symptoms of common issues and how to act appropriately to assist and support others who may be struggling.
Who: Psychotherapist, Marguerite Kiely will deliver this workshop.
When: The workshop will take place on October 25th at 09:30. Duration of the workshop will be 3 hours in total.
Where: One Spencer Dock, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Dublin
Do I Need to Sign Up? Yes. Places are limited so register today via the form below.
Registration Form
Please note, if a time slot has already been booked you can click on “Wait” to sign up for a wait list for that particular time slot. Meaning that you have no booking but are on a waiting list for this time slot if there is a cancellation.
If there is a “Sold” button or blank space next to the time slot this means both the time slot and the wait list slot have been taken.
If you receive an error message, this means multiple people are trying to book for the same time slot. Refresh the page and repeat the booking process to confirm your booking.