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Sleep Expert Onsite

1:1 Consultations

Our Sleep Technologist will be onsite offering a free 20 minute assessment and individualised treatment to employees. We can assess your current sleeping patterns and provide you with practical techniques on healthy sleeping habits, and information on how to create a better sleep environment.

So whether you work the night or day shift or even if it is your kids who are keeping you awake at night, we have you covered.

Who: Sleep Technologist, Deirdre McSwiney, will deliver the consultations.

When: The consultations will take place on DATE from 09:00-17:00. Duration of each consultation will be 20 minutes. 

Do I Need to Sign Up? Yes. Places are limited so please register by choosing your preferred time slot via the booking form below.

Book Now

Please note, if a time slot has already been booked you can click on “Wait” to sign up for a wait list for that particular time slot. Meaning that you have no booking but are on a waiting list for this time slot if there is a cancellation.

If there is a “Sold” button or blank space next to the time slot this means both the time slot and the wait list slot have been taken.

If you receive an error message, this means multiple people are trying to book for the same time slot. Refresh the page and repeat the booking process to confirm your booking.


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