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Mental Health in Young people

Contrary to popular belief, young people can also suffer from mental health issues. Often, changes to mood or behaviour are written off as a “phase” but may be something else. During such a changing time in a young person’s life, a time where they are gaining independence and thinking on their own, it is important to be able to support them as best as we can. Being a young person in todays society is very different than it was even 10 years ago, and young people face very different challenges these days.

This webinar provides an understanding of the new issues facing young people and their mental health, and acts as a guide for people who want to support or assist young people in promoting their mental health by understanding social media, technology, cyberbullying, school and exam pressure, amongst others. We will also address how to identify mental health issues, and how best to approach young people if you are concerned.

The webinar will be available for all NAME employees to watch from DATE and will remain available for 30 days. 

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