
Week 8 Of Your 0-5K Running Programme



You have made it to the start line and are ready to set off on your first 5K run! It's been a hard slog to reach it to this point but rest assured, it will all be worth it once you cross the finish line of your first 5K. There are few better feelings than completing your fist race and the memories will stay with you forever!

You still have one week's training to complete however, so once again, listen to our audio coach podcasts to take you through your final 3 training runs. This week we are changing up the distance a little more and taking you ever closer to the holy grail of running continuously for the duration of a 5K run. Remember to keep a steady pace throughout and to make sure that you are not overdoing your training this close to completion. Just stick to the plan.

In this week's video and blog, we are talking about preparation for race day - and beyond! Remember that this is just the start of your running journey and hopefully you will be motivated to make running, or other forms of exercise, an everyday part of your life. 

Finally, a point to remember once you line up at the start of your first 5K race. You aren't racing against anyone. This was a challenge you set for yourself. You are at the pinnacle of a tremendous personal achievement. Run your own race and enjoy it. You have earned it!


Your Week 8 running schedule

This week, we are mixing up your sessions a little more and leading up to your final training run which will consist of 30 minutes continuous running! Remember, you can do this, so go for it!!

         Run 1

  • 5 min walk (warm up)
  • 10 min run
  • 2 min walk
  • 10 min run
  • 2 min walk
  • 10 min run
  • 5 min walk (warm down)

           Run 2

  • 5 min walk (warm up)
  • 15 min run
  • 2 min walk
  • 10 min run
  • 5 min walk (warm down)

           Run 3

  • 5 min walk (warm up)
  • 30 min run
  • 5 min walk (warm down)

INBETWEEN DAYS:- You have four inbetween days this week where you won't be training for the 5K but you can still workout! We suggest: 2 rest days and 2 days with a 30 minute walk


Week 8 Audio Coach

This week's training consists of 3 sessions, each of different duration and type. 

As usual, we have included a version of the audio coach without music for those of you who prefer to just listen out for Warwick's cues.


Week 8 Blog

Your final blog will give you some pointers on how to get through your first 5K race. It can be a stressful lead up but the key thing to remember is that this is a great personal achievement. Enjoy every moment of it! Remember also that it would be a shame to go back to where you were 8 weeks ago with your exercise. Try setting some goals for yourself and give yourself something new to aim for. The benefits of your new exercise programme are yours for the taking!


Week 7 Of Your 0-5K Running Programme


This week, we are mixing it up a little more and introducing some interval training, which will help take you one step closer to your goal of running continuously for a distance of 5K and beyond. By now, you are getting really close to this goal! 

In this week's video, we are talking about diet & nutrition and how this relates to your running programme. This topic would merit an entire 8 week programme of it's own! This week's video however, is all about getting you thinking of different strategies when it comes to eating, which best suit you, your body shape, and your goals.

In this week's blog, we will have a little more detail on getting the right fuel for your 5K programme.


Your Week 7 running schedule

This week is all about interval training. Interval training is where your runs consist of alternating periods of high and low intensity activity. This is particularly true of Run 1, which on paper may seem a little stop - start. It is, in fact, a great way of building up your intensity levels. This ability to up your intensity is what will keep you going for the whole duration of the 5K run. So headphones on, and off you go!

This week your schedule is as follows:

           Run 1

  • 5 min walk (warm up)
  • 5 min run
  • 3 min walk
  • 4 min run
  • 2 min walk
  • 3 min run
  • 90 sec walk
  • 2 min run
  • 1 min walk
  • 1 min run
  • 5 min walk

          Run 2

  • 5 min walk (warm up)
  • 5 min run
  • 90 sec walk
  • 5 min run
  • 90 sec walk
  • 5 min run
  • 90 sec walk 
  • 5 min run
  • 5 min walk

         Run 3

  • 5 min walk (warm up)
  • 15 min run
  • 2 min walk
  • 10 min run
  • 5 min walk

INBETWEEN DAYS:- You have four inbetween days this week where you won't be training for the 5K but you can still workout! We suggest: 2 rest days and 2 days with a 30 minute walk


Week 7 Audio Coach

This week's training consists of 3 sessions, each of different duration and type. 

As usual, we have included a version of the audio coach without music for those of you who prefer to just listen out for Warwick's cues.


Week 7 Blog

Your body is getting used to walking and jogging for longer distances and so it needs the right fuel, at the right time, to help it along. This blog will give you some invaluable pointers on the right nutrition, for you!



Week 6 Of Your 0-5K Running Programme


Welcome back to week 6 of your 8 week running programme. The finish line is now coming into view! 

This week, we are upping the intensity and the duration of runs to make them even longer. You may find that this is your most challenging week to date but remember that all your training will stand to you at this point. 

In this week's video, we are talking about mixing up your training in order to make it more interesting for you, as well as looking at how your running environment can help build your endurance. 

In this week's blog, we talk about some additional running kit you may like to treat yourself to, which will help you to keep on adding to your mileage!


Your Week 6 Running Schedule

This week we are mixing up the runs and the intensity quite a bit. In previous weeks you ran 3 sessions, each of which were the same format. This week, we are once again running for 3 sessions but this time, the format is pretty different for each. Runs 1 & 2 will build you up for your first attempt at going beyond the 10 minute barrier of continuous running. Then in Run 3 you will be taking on your first 25 minute run!! 

This may seem daunting at first but you will be surprised at how quickly you adapt to this duration. All your hard work in training up to now has got you to this point so stick with it and remember to read back on our week 3 blog post on how to get yourself right mentally for runs of this duration. 

This week your schedule is as follows:

Run 1

  • 5 min walk (warm up)
  • 5 min run
  • 3 min walk
  • 8 min run
  • 3 min walk
  • 5 min run
  • 5 min walk (warm down)

 Run 2

  • 5 min walk (warm up)
  • 10 min run
  • 3 min walk
  • 10 min run
  • 5 min walk (warm down)

Run 3

  • 5 min walk (warm up)
  • 25 min run
  • 5 min walk (warm down)

INBETWEEN DAYS:- You have four inbetween days this week where you won't be training for the 5K but you can still workout! We suggest: 2 rest days and 2 days with a 30 minute walk


Week 6 Audio Coach

This week's training consists of 3 sessions, each of different duration and type. 

As usual, we have included a version of the audio coach without music for those of you who prefer to just listen out for Warwick's cues.


Week 6 Blog

In this week's blog, we talk about some of the additional kit, which will make your running that little bit easier. We will look at some things like apps to record and track your progress as well as looking at how music can help keep your mind focused on your running.




Week 5 of your 0-5K Running programme


Welcome back to week 5 of your 8 week 0-5K running programme and congratulations on getting beyond the halfway point! By now you have managed to achieve over 5 minutes of continuous running during your sessions. This week, we are not increasing the length of continuous running but we are adding another 5 minute run into the mix so that you will be able to build your endurance further. 

In this week's video, we are talking about the most common injuries faced by runners and how best to avoid them. Warwick will guide you through what to do in the event of experiencing an injury or if you feel discomfort after a run. This video, combined with what we learned in Video 4 should go a long way to ensuring that you remain comfortable while running, throughout this programme and beyond. 

In this week's blog, we talk about one of the most important parts of your programme - your rest and recovery days! R&R is vital to the programme as you need to allow your body time to recover from the continuous running sessions. 


Week 5 Audio Coach

This week's training consists of 3 sessions of about 30 minutes duration. Our audio coach will talk you through these sessions so you can focus on your movement.

This week, we are adding one more 5 minute run and hopefully you should find it easier, not just to run for 5 minutes but also to recover quickly.  

As usual, we have included a version of the audio coach without music for those of you who prefer to just listen out for Warwick's cues.


Your Week 5 Running Schedule

Last week, we upped the intensity a little by setting out on some 5 minute runs. This week, we are staying at the 5 minute mark but adding one more run to the mix. The result is that by the end of this week's session, you will have built up your endurance and prepared your body for the next stage of putting it all together. 

You should start each run with a 5 minute dynamic warm up, walk or slow jog and finish up the same way.

This week your schedule is as follows:

  • 5 min walk (warm up)
  • 5 min run
  • 3 min wallk
  • 5 min run
  • 3 min walk
  • 5 min run
  • 5 min walk (warm down)

INBETWEEN DAYS:- You have four inbetween days this week where you won't be training for the 5K but you can still workout! We suggest: 2 rest days and 2 days with a 30 minute walk


Week 5 Blog

In this week's blog, we talk about a key part of any exercise programme - your rest and recovery days! Rest and recovery are crucial to allow your body time to repair & strengthen between exercise. 



Week 4 of your 0-5K Running programme


Welcome back to week 4 of your 8 week programme. You are now at the halfway point! Hopefully you have managed to complete each of the 3 sessions from last week and are ready to go again. This week we are mixing up your running schedule a little more and introducing some longer runs which are designed to build your endurance and get you over the 5 minutes of continuous running barrier. 

In this week's video, we talk about good posture and how important it is to make it a part of your everyday life. Last week we discussed running form and technique. This week we are developing the theme a little more by discussing your posture and the importance of getting into good habits which will ensure that your body does not break down while running.

As always, remember to email us at if you have any questions for our wellness team.


Watch week 4 video


your Week 4 Audio coach

This week's training consists of 3 sessions of about 30 minutes duration. Our audio coach will talk you through these sessions so you can focus on your movement. Don't forget to focus on your rhythm and pace throughout. Keep it nice and steady!

Once again, we have included a version of the Audio coach without music for those of you who prefer to just listen out for Warwick's cues.


Week 4 running schedule

This week, we are taking the intensity of your training up a notch and looking to achieve some 5 minute runs. The 5 minute mark is a significant milestone and reaching this puts you in a great position with regard to achieving a 5K. Remember to find your rhythm from the start and keep a nice steady pace throughout. 

  • 5 min walk (warm up)
  • 3 minute run
  • 90 second wallk
  • 5 minute run
  • 2 min 30 second walk
  • 3 minute run
  • 90 second walk
  • 5 minute run
  • 5 minute walk (warm down)

Your Week 4 Blog

In this week's blog, we talk about what to do in the event of a derailer or setback interfering with your running schedule. Derailers are inevitable and happen to us all. Sometimes, they can't be avoided but how you deal with them is key to staying the course of your 8 week programme and beyond!



Week 3 of your 0-5K Running programme


By now you have hopefully had a total of 6 run / walk sessions and are starting to find the going a little easier. If you are still finding it tough - persevere! By adding to the length of your runs over time, you will start building up the endurance you need to complete the 5K.

In this weeks video, we will be looking at the topic of running technique. Form and technique are key areas for you as they will not only help you get to the start line of the 5K, they will ensure that you stay injury free. We will be looking in detail at stride length, cadence and your body position as you run. 


your Week 3 Audio coach

Your third week's training consists of 3 sessions of about 30 minutes duration. Our audio coach will talk you through these sessions so you can focus on your movement.

Once again, we have included a version of the Audio coach without music for those of you who prefer to just listen out for Warwick's cues.


Week 3 Running Schedule

This week we are moving it up a level and increasing the length of your runs. We will include some 3 minute runs this time round so you will need to go for longer. Keep a nice steady pace throughout and remember, it's not how fast you go, its how long you are able to move for, so keep a consistent speed if possible. 

  • 5 min walk (warm up)
  • 2 X 90 second run followed by 90 second walk
  • 1 X 3 minute run followed by 3 minute walk
  • 1 X 90 second run followed by 90 second walk
  • 1 X 3 minute run followed by 3 minute walk (warm down)

In Between Days:- Once again, you have four in-between days this week where you won't be training for the 5K but you can still workout! We suggest: 2 rest days and 2 days with a 30 minute walk. If you are feeling motivated, try some cross training like cycling or swimming. Every minute of exercise helps!


Your Week 3 Blog

In this weeks blog, we are talking about something you may have heard of. Something which happens to runners of all types, at every level - hitting the wall! The wall is often a state of mind which you just need to power through. Our tips will help you keep your focus and get you over the line. 



Welcome back to Week 2 of our 0-5K Running programme

Hopefully you are settling into your programme and have completed the 3 continuous run / walk sessions from week 1. In last weeks video we discussed the essentials to getting started. Next up, we are moving into the area of getting into the right frame of mind as well as the all important area of making sure that you are preparing for the journey ahead. It's vital that we create space in our schedules so that we can fit these running sessions into our hectic lives. 

Our videos, blogs and audio coach are full of tips and tricks to get you moving, and to keep you moving! Remember to email us at if you have any questions for our wellness team.


Watch Week 2 video


your Week 2 Audio coach

Your second week's training consists of 3 sessions of about 35 minutes duration. Our audio coach will talk you through these sessions so you can focus on your movement.

Some of you may like to listen to music while running, some of you may prefer simply listening out for Warwick's cues, without the distraction of the music tracks. Whichever you prefer, choose from one of the audio files below. 


Week 2 Running Schedule

This program is a run / walk to continuous running program, so our workout instructions are displayed in run / walk intervals. Remember that for week 2, you will need to allow for 3 sessions. Just as in week 1.

You should start each run with a 5 minute dynamic warm up, walk or slow jog and finish up the same way. You don't have to do your runs on specific days; however, you should take a rest day or do cross-training on some days between runs. Cross-training can be walking, biking, dancing, swimming, or any other activity (other than running) that you enjoy!

Warm up – 5 minute brisk walk

RUN: 90 second run followed by 2 minute walk (Alternating for 20 mins.)

Cool down – 5 minute brisk walk

In Between Days:- You have four in-between days this week where you won't be training for the 5K but you can still workout! We suggest: 2 rest days and 2 days with a 30 minute walk.


Your week 2 Blog

Tips to get running – and sticking with it! In this weeks blog, we talk you through some points to remember as you start pounding the roads!



Watch Week 1 video

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app to find out more at

Week 1 Audio coach - Your first week's training consists of 3 sessions of about 35 minutes duration. Our audio coach will talk you through these sessions so you can focus on your movement.

You can listen here or download to your phone for later!

Week 1 Blog - Getting started & Motivation! We talk you through some simple tips to bear in mind when you are starting out


Your running coach

Warwick Gordon is the clinical director of Run 360 and is a fully licensed musculoskeletal chartered physiotherapist. Warwick has two main passions, running mechanics and powerlifting. Warwick has spent the past 12 years working in private practice so knows all there is to know about running injury and prevention. 

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