Financial 101 - Part 1 & Part 2

financial Seminar Sub Series

In the first part of Finance 101, James our Financial Advisor will bring us through the basics of budgeting, how to harness your money into savings, and how to set yourself up for an easy transition into retirement. Using his expertise, he will guide us on good money management tips and techniques you can apply to make organising your finances more stress free.

In part 2 of Finance 101, two particularly important tools for managing money will be discussed - insurance and borrowing. You will be brought through how, why and when we should use these products and the pros and cons of some of the most common types of insurance and borrowing available. The seminar aims to give you a deeper understanding of insurance and borrowing, which could potentially save you a lot of money in the long run.

The recording will be available for all US Bank employees to watch from today and will remain available for 30 days. 

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