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Digital Physio Consultations

If you would like to get help with any new “posture pain” that everyone seems to be getting from their new home working desk set up, or have a new injury that you would like to get help with, then our 30 minute live sessions are for you
Advances in technology make online physiotherapy an efficient treatment option and our team of skilled physiotherapists can make a fast, accurate diagnosis, and build a personalised treatment plan for you.

During these 30 minute live sessions, our highly trained Physiotherapist will provide self-help models and advice on how to prevent injury and maintain a healthy back, joints and muscles.

Who: Chartered Physiotherapist, Name will carry out the consultation 

When: The consultations will take place on Date from 09:00-17:00 via Webex. Duration of each consultation will be 30 minutes. 

Do I Need to Sign Up? Yes. To book a one-to-one consultation please complete the booking form below. You will be sent an individual meeting link in advance of your session.

Registration Form

Please note, if a time slot has already been booked you can click on “Wait” to sign up for a wait list for that particular time slot. Meaning that you have no booking but are on a waiting list for this time slot if there is a cancellation.

If there is a “Sold” button or blank space next to the time slot this means both the time slot and the wait list slot have been taken.

If you receive an error message, this means multiple people are trying to book for the same time slot. Refresh the page and repeat the booking process to confirm your booking.