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Finding your Antidote

That deadline is looming, you can see the consequences if the work isn’t done, you know what will happen and yet you still sit there or busy yourself with less important tasks, temporary solutions and you know it, so why is it so hard to do what you know you need to do. This webinar will begin this discussion of procrastination. We will explore the understanding of the psychology behind procrastination, and develop an understanding which establishes the first line of defence against procrastination.

This webinar will encourage you to begin exploring your own style of procrastination and finding out what works and what does not. We will give you pointers to develop your own personalised anti procrastination plan. You are the one who knows yourself the best so working together we will look at how to optimise your time and unleash you from the burden of procrastination. 


The webinar will be available for all NAME employees to watch from DATE and will remain available for 30 days. 

In addition to the webinar, we have created a useful handout which you can print out and refer back to. In this handout, we cover some of the key points in our presentation..

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