Communications, Collaboration & Productivity in Remote & Hybrid Work For Manager
Widely considered the three most important success factors in Remote & Hybrid Working best practice. When we work virtually, emphasis needs to be put on how we communicate and collaborate with our colleagues. Moreover, keeping focus on what helps us be productive is a process of constant review and improvement. Learn about the industry best practice in these areas and learn how to improve your operations practically each day.
Who: Remote & Hybrid Work Expert, Rowena Hennigan will deliver this workshop.
When: The workshop will take place on September 21st at 12:00, via Zoom. Duration of the workshop will be 2 hours in total.
Do I need to register? Yes, please register for this workshop via the booking form below. The meeting link will be sent a day prior to the event.
Please note, if the slots have already been booked you can click on “Wait” to sign up for a wait list. Meaning that you have no booking but are on a waiting list for the event if there is a cancellation.
If there is a “Sold” button or blank space instead of the book button this means both the available slots and the wait list slots have been taken.
If you receive an error message, this means multiple people are trying to book for the same time slot. Refresh the page and repeat the booking process to confirm your booking.
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