Infant and Pregnancy Loss
Understanding and Supporting for Pregnancy and Infant Loss: Workshop
Conversations about perinatal or infant loss can be extremely challenging and upsetting, and therefore this is something that is often suppressed or barely spoken about, leading to countless parents suffering alone in silence. Unfortunately, even when such conversations do take place, many hurtful statements, though well-intentioned, are often spoken.
The aim of this workshop is to remove the stigma from such conversations and to support attendees in better understanding the challenging, and often heartbreaking, realities behind the experience of perinatal or infant loss.
It provides training for setting healthy boundaries and for learning how to support oneself (and others) from a space of empathy, compassion, and non-judgement. Additionally, the workshop aims at providing attendees with powerful, evidence-based tools for strengthening emotional well-being and resilience and highlights the importance of embracing self-care and self-compassion.
Who: Psychologist, Rebecca Reddin will deliver this workshop.
When: The workshop will take place on May 5th at 10:00. Duration of the workshop will be 3 hours in total.
Where: NSQ1 Navigation Square, Albert Quay East, Co. Cork.
Do I Need to Sign Up? Yes, as places are limited, please sign up via the link below.
Registration Form
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If there is a “Sold” button or blank space instead of the book button this means both the available slots and the wait list slots have been taken.
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